Looking after wellbeing at work makes Xamk a good place to work
Xamk uses an annual workplace community development survey to analyse job satisfaction. The information and ideas obtained from the survey help to improve the staff’s wellbeing, support their coping at work and promote a pleasant working environment.
In 2019, altogether 565 Xamk employees responded to the survey. The staff say that Xamk is a good place to work. According to the survey results, areas such as occupational ergonomics and development of the personnel’s skills and competence have improved.
The results of the survey were discussed at meetings in each unit, giving employees the opportunity to share more ideas for improvement. On the basis of the information obtained, the Management Team prepared an action plan for those units with below-average results. The measures taken clearly improved wellbeing at work by the end of 2019.
Nice to come to work and be at work
Wellbeing at work consists of the content and attraction of the job as well as the employee’s health, safety and wellbeing. Wellbeing at work is promoted by the employer and staff together, supported by the occupational health services, occupational health and safety activities and the HR unit.
Xamk applies an early support model to promote employees’ wellbeing and ability to work. The objective is to pay attention to coping at work and help the supervisors to notice any signs of decreased wellbeing at the earliest possible stage. Improvement of the practical application of this model was emphasised as an important area of disability management.
Workplace wellbeing coordinator appointed in 2019
In 2019, Xamk employed a workplace wellbeing coordinator whose main tasks include supporting the supervisors in working ability-related matters, advancing occupational healthcare co-operation, promoting wellbeing at work, developing the workplace community and carrying out duties related to occupational safety.
The workplace wellbeing coordinator discusses disability management with the supervisors. The objective is to enhance the supervisors’ personnel management skills. Anticipating the ageing of the personnel is also important.
Aiming for more preventive occupational healthcare
In 2019, we arranged more co-operation meetings with occupational health service providers than before. At the meetings, we decided which areas will be developed together.
The occupational healthcare action plan was also updated towards the end of 2019. According to the plan, support for coping at work will be increased. Direct appointments with an occupational physiotherapist will be made available, and we will start using the services of a job coach. We aim to shift the focus on more preventive occupational healthcare.
Xamk is an equal workplace
In accordance with its values, Xamk is an efficiently functioning higher education community. Our way of operation is safe and fair. To ensure the realisation of these principles, Xamk prepared an equality and non-discrimination plan for 2019–2021.
Equality and non-discrimination are surveyed at Xamk each year. In 2019, altogether 476 persons responded to the survey. According to the overall average of all answers, Xamk is an equal workplace. With respect to answers to individual questions, women’s scores on equality are slightly lower than those of men. Of the female respondents, 24 per cent found that men have better opportunities for career progression.
Xamk’s recruitment processes are transparent and fair. Vacancies are always advertised internally on the intranet and also on external websites. The personnel’s career development is supported by means such as enabling job rotation and job exchange and sharing expertise across unit borders.
The need for training and development is reviewed at performance appraisals
Xamk employees are encouraged to active participation in the development of work and the workplace community.
In the annual performance appraisal (PA) between the supervisor and employee, the employee’s needs for training and development are defined, the employee’s work performance is analysed and the supervisor and employee decide on any measures to be taken. The Skillhive system helps to uncover hidden potential, providing the employees with a platform for self-evaluation of skills and motivation. The information can be used as a basis for planning at the performance appraisal.
Management reviews are also carried out at Xamk each year. The purpose is to evaluate the operations and support self-regulation of development in the unit in question. In addition, the CEO and President regularly meets employees at the Xpress information and discussion meetings.
Working hours may be used for professional development
It is important for Xamk to maintain a high standard of professional competence and ensure its continuous development. We invest in the development of professional competence by offering the personnel opportunities for training arranged by internal and external providers. It is possible to use working hours for the improvement of professional skills.
The courses at Xamk’s Open University of Applied Sciences are free of charge to the personnel. A few times a year, Xamk arranges Leader training in HR management for supervisors. In addition, the Staff Academy, established in 2019, aims to ensure equal and consistent opportunities for education for the entire staff.